Instrumental Music

Vermont Secondary College offers an outstanding instrumental music program, which strives to produce independent, creative and proficient musicians.
Vermont Secondary College understands and values the benefits of instrumental music education. Our music program enhances student engagement with the college, allows for personal and social development and can improve students overall learning. We value Instrumental Music as part of a well rounded education.
The instrumental music program at Vermont Secondary College is an ensemble-based program where every student will be given the opportunity to not only have weekly music tuition from a trained instrumental teacher, but will also play as part of a group, band, choir or ensemble.
The Ensemble
- Wind Symphonies – (Rookie Band, Concert Band & Symphonic Band)
- Junior, Senior and Chamber String Orchestra
- Junior & Senior Guitar Ensembles
- Junior & Senior Choir
- Junior & Senior Stage Band
- Contemporary Bands
- Drum/Percussion Ensemble
Weekly Tuition from a Trained Instrumental Teacher
Vermont Secondary College offers tuition on the following instruments:
- Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Euphonium & Tuba
- Percussion (which includes drums)
- Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass
- Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon & Oboe
- Voice
- Guitar & Electric Bass
Ensemble Information
The instrumental music program at Vermont Secondary College is an Ensemble program. All students learning an instrument at school are expected to be in an ensemble. Ensemble rehearsals take place outside the normal school timetable, before school, after school and during lunchtimes.

Since music is a performing art, the school places a high value on providing performance opportunities for students. There are a range of school-based performances, including two large ensemble concerts, a series of soirees for solos and small ensembles, contemporary concerts, assemblies and lunchtime concerts throughout the year.
As well as these, students are given the opportunity to perform at Victorian School Bands Festival, the ANZAC Day march, various Community Festivals, Eisteddfods, Fetes, NEVR Concert at Hamer Hall, NEVR Battle of the Bands and other performances as they arise.
Lesson Structure
Students all receive a weekly 35-minute group lesson. Groups are determined according to level and learning style. Lesson groups may include up to five students. Lessons are held during class time (either first half or second half of a regular school period) and are scheduled on a rotating timetable to ensure students are not missing the same classes each week.
All instrumental music lessons will be reflected on the Compass schedule.
Year 11 & 12 students will have lessons scheduled during study periods, lunchtimes, before school or after school in order not to miss regular classes. Students studying VCE music will have an individual one-to-one weekly lesson with their teacher at times best suited to their overall VCE schedule.
Reporting & Assessment
Like all programs at Vermont Secondary College, the instrumental music program follows a documented curriculum.
Student progress is reported via the school report. Parents are welcome to contact teachers at other times if they wish to discuss their child’s progress.
Assessment Tasks:
- Technical Work
- Performance Exam (Term 4)
- Solo Performance (Term 2 & 3)
- Ensemble Performance
Additional Curriculum Programs Available
Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB)
The school is happy to put students through Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) examinations. Students will be advised by their teacher as to the suitable time and procedure. AMEB forms are available through the music office, but please contact us if you have any questions. There is an extra charge for students wishing the school to arrange their accompianist.
Music Support Group
The Music Support Group consists of parents, guardians, staff, students and friends who support the music program in a number of ways. They meet twice a term for an hour on Wednesday evenings from 7pm-8pm. The group assist at concerts, provide ideas and feedback. During term 2 and 3, the music support group runs a sausage sizzle at recess, raising valuable funds for the music program.
Key Contacts & Information
Below are the key contact details and enrolment information for the music program. If you have any questions, please contact the Music Office and they will be happy to assist.
Contact The Music Office
You can contact the music office via the school phone number 03 8872 6369. There is a voicemail facility so we don’t miss your call. Mr Khristian Mizzi, the instrumental music administrator will return your call if you leave a message.
New Enrolments
Most new enrolments are done at the end of each year for the following year. Students wishing to enrol during the school year may do so provided there are spaces available. Please complete this 2025 Enrolment Form and return it to the Music Department.
Re-enrolments to the music program will be completed via compass. Families will be notified when this process need to be done. Please contact us if you have any questions about re-enrolments to the program.