School Structure
Wellbeing & Inclusion Team
The student wellbeing team are members of the teaching staff and social workers who coordinate the overall wellbeing of the students in the school. The student wellbeing team works closely with the House Teams where students may need support in adjusting to secondary school, peer concerns or issues related to family issues. Students and parents/guardians may also request to see the student wellbeing team to help with providing uniform and equipment support. They can also assist families in contacting an appropriate community agency.
Each year the team offers interesting, interactive programs to enrich and support students to fulfil their potential. Further the wellbeing team works closely with House Teams and Program Managers to develop programs and curriculum to support student needs and social- emotional development in the context of a whole school approach to wellbeing.

House Team Model
The House structure at Vermont SC consists of 3 Houses. Hotham, Macedon and Stirling. Students in each year level have a Student Manager who is their ‘first port of call’. Student Managers will move year levels with their cohort from Year 7, to Year 10. At Year 11 and 12 students will have the same 2 student managers for 2 years. Each House has a Head of House who oversees all year levels and works closely with the Student Managers to support the students and their families. Each house is also supported by one of the Assistant Principals.
Students starting in Year 7 are placed in the same house as their older siblings. This helps create a strong relationship between the House team and families.