Liz Clark one of our music teachers performing the last post on ANZAC Day at Dawn. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to hold our Anzac sub-school assemblies this year. We hope your family finds a suitable way to commemorate this special day on Saturday, and suggest you consider taking up one of the many options suggested on social media.

The Anzac tradition—the ideals of courage, endurance and mateship that are still relevant today was established on 25 April 1915 when the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Anzac Day is the day on which Australians remember the sacrifice of those who have died in war and is commemorated every year on the 25 of April.

ANZAC day is not a day for honouring war, for war is not something to be honoured. War is something that is used as a last resort when diplomacy has failed and it is used by a nation to safeguard its sovereignty. We do however, on ANZAC day, honour the people of Australia who have undertaken warfare to protect that sovereignty, no matter how distasteful it may have been to them personally and in spite of the risk of losing their lives.

To them, on ANZAC day, we say:

‘Be proud of what you have done, as we are proud of you. Parade yourselves confident in the knowledge that your deeds are appreciated by the Australians for whom you served, no matter which of Australia’s battles you have fought. You have helped create a tradition which our relatively young nation can display with honour in any company.
We thank you for all of this’.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

Lest we forget

Our Tree The library staff of VSC initiated the idea of planting an Aleppo pine to commemorate the centenary ANZAC Day celebrations. On 24th April 2015, a Lone Pine, which is a descendant of the Australian War Memorial tree, was planted. Principal, Mr Tony Jacobs, read the history of the tree and the Battle of Lone Pine and along with Ms Wendy Ward who represented the 10th Australian Field Ambulance Association, School Captains Sam Brindley and Louisa Xie, planted the tree with students and staff watching.


Production Nominations

Vermont's production Dirty Rotten Scoundrels has been nominated for 5 Lyrebird Youth Awards. This involves a number of judges coming to see school shows across the state, and then voting for 'the best' of in particular categories.

Best Sound Design in a Youth Musical - Mitch Tabe
Outstanding Technical Design in a Youth Musical - Vermont Secondary College
Outstanding Stage Crew - Vermont Secondary College
Best Actor in a Youth Musical - Lachlan Rae
Best Actor in a Youth Musical - Spencer Macleod Finke

Congratulations on this outstanding achievement to everyone involved in the production and all the very best of luck to our nominees. The awards ceremony is on Sunday, December the 8th


Congratulations to the winner of the “Sarah Bussu Award” Tamara Barton with her VCE Studio Artwork “Confronting Perfectionism” which was developed from her folio theme “Perfectionism in the media vs reality”. The artwork “encompasses the idea that the more a person tries to force themselves into fitting the ideals of beauty, it increasingly damages their identity.

Congratulations to Emmalee Eastwood of 7M1, Winner of the “Inaugural People’s Choice Award” with her exceptional self-portrait.


Last Wednesday our Symphonic Band travelled into The Hawthorn Town Hall to perform 2 pieces for an audience of other competing schools and adjudicators, as part of the Victorian Festival of Bands. Our students played wonderfully and did the college proud with beautiful and measured renditions of HEAVENS LIGHT by Steven Reineke and Australian composer Brian Hoggs ACCELCIUS.  Students were given some wonderful feedback on their music approach to the pieces and were awarded gold for their performance.  We’d like to thank Mr. Tony Jacobs for driving the bus on the day and to Mr. Jeremy Shannon for his work with the Symphonic Band throughout the year so far.  Well done students!!


On the 28th August more than 100 students, staff and friends of the Vermont Secondary College community gathered in the Fallon Centre. This event was the first of its kind and aimed to celebrate outstanding writing amongst our junior students. The evening received great praise and all the students and staff involved deserve a congratulations, for it really was an outstanding event to celebrate literacy. In this newsletter we would like to take note of those students who were awarded with certificates and book prizes.











This award is given to students who were selected to participate in The Night of Readings. The pieces were recognised for their creativity.

Jon Espada
Elise Brown
Lucy Nelson
Aaron Wang
Zak Habib
Eveylyn FitzGerald
Flynn Henderson
Harrison Mummery
Erin Jefferies
Nicholas Tan
Lily Farrow
Jemee Rushgrove
Ryan Napper
Zac Hamilton
Piper Fitzpatrick-Tanti

Anika Zarafa
Stephanie Mikolic
Hayley Edis
Isabella Eaves
Jemma Kennedy
Sienna Sproston
Amelia Moore
Kathleen Zhang
Kai Ambuwaru
Emily Zhou
Ava Dennis
Ben Wilson
Troy Nguyen
Junhong Bie
Sanika Trivedi

Benjamin Gillespie
Alisha Rangwala
Ryan Hoskin
Niklas Hailes
Meesha Kothari
Logan Alford
Jenna Hendry
Ibtisam Shakir
Jorja Smith
Jonte Stephenson
Alish Dragonestti Stone
Sophie Edis
Eva Carse
Vicente Wong
Anika Zefra
Kriesha Mabian

The students who receive this award are recognised for their incredible writing…

7H1 Skylar Lee
7H2 Alanah Trefz
7H3 Amber Denford

7M1 Abby Serpant Wilcock
7M2 Amy Dai
7M3 Ben Slater
7M4 Sophie Vourgoutzis

7S1 Ava Dennis
7S2 Mia Lowe
7S3 Finn Marshall

The students who receive this award demonstrated originality and exceptional writing

Charlotte Mears
Samantha Curwood
Zak Habib
Hannah Punay
Yan Ran Tan
Daniel Waite
Arwa Millawa
Madeline Healy
Cynthia Zhao
Dylan Hua


The students who receive this award are in Year 8/9 and are recognised for their outstanding contributions to The Night of Readings

Tyler Roche
Sue Jian
Kiara Friend
Chelsea Martin
Hunter Sparkes
Charlotte Kokuzawa
Carys Blackwell
Best Speaker on the night
Elise Brown
Evie Parker

New Build Complete

The construction of our new architecturally designed permanent modular $4.873 million building is now complete and classes will commence today. This dynamic new building is a part of the Government’s $200 million investment in the Victorian School Asbestos Removal Program. A huge thank you to Mike Stevens (Assistant Principal—overseeing buildings and grounds) for seeing this project through to completion, well done!

The previous ‘C’ wing contained 8 classrooms whilst this new construction contains 10 classrooms including 2 purpose built junior science rooms, 2 purpose built ICT rooms, 6 generalist classrooms where adjoining rooms can be opened into one space, replacement student toilets, a Language faculty staffroom, an office for the Year 9 Student Managers, 2 new locker bays and a science storeroom.



On Tuesday, 3/6/19, I, along with staff, was fortunate enough to attend the Premier’s VCE Awards to witness three of our students gain recognition in this awards ceremony.
The Premier’s VCE Awards recognise top performing students for their outstanding academic achievements in the Victorian Certificate of Education. 

In our 2018 VCE results five students achieved a perfect study score of 50 and on Tuesday three of these students, Adorel Ng, Brandon Yeo and Mindy Tay, were recognised by receiving the Premier’s VCE Award. 

Parents and staff of the students were all able to attend the ceremony and meet up at the end of the official ceremony to share in their success. Congratulations also go to the three staff that taught the students – Laura Gerbing Business Management teacher of Adorel, Mary Zervos Further Mathematics teacher of Brandon and James Serpant Physics teacher of Mindy. 

The five perfect study scores were achieved by the following students:
Adorel Ng received a perfect Study Score for Business Management
Brandon Chen Tong Yeo received a perfect Study Score for Further Maths 
Gloria Chen received a perfect Study Score for Specialist Maths 
Preet Patel received a perfect Study Score for Maths Methods
Mindy Tay received a perfect Study Score for Physics 

This outcome is more amazing by the fact that the perfect study scores were achieved in 5 different subjects, with 5 different teachers by 5 different students. 

Congratulations to all these high performing students and special congratulations to Adorel, Brandon and Mindy who have achieved further recognition by receiving a Premier’s VCE Award. 

Photo inset from left to right:- Laura Gerbing Business Management teacher with Adorel, Mindy with James Serpant Physics teacher and Brandon with Mary Zervos Further Mathematics teacher.


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