The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the largest, oldest and most prestigious scientific Olympiad for high school students and this year Vermont Secondary College had our very own Preet Patel competing. The history of IMO dates back to 1959, when the first edition was held in Romania with seven countries participating: Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and USSR. Since then, the event has been held every year (except 1980) in a different country. Currently, more than 100 countries from 5 continents participate. Each country can send a team of up to six secondary students or individuals who have not entered University or the equivalent, as of the date of celebration of the Olympiad, plus one team leader, one deputy leader, and observers if desired.

During the competition, contestants have to solve, individually, two contest papers on two consecutive days, with three problems each day. Each problem is worth seven points. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are awarded in the ratio of 1:2:3 according to the overall results.

At this year’s International Mathematical Olympiad held over the term break in Bath, England from the 11 to 22 July, 2019, Preet Patel (Year 12) received a Bronze medal, missing the Silver medal by one point.

Each country is allowed six members and the Australian team, of which Preet was a member, ranked 18th overall in the competition out of 112 countries.  Preet’s individual ranking was 148th out of 621 competitors (76th percentile). The Australian team consisting of six competitors received 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 3 Bronze medals between them for their efforts.

Preet and his family are extremely happy with his, and the team’s success, and have been celebrating since. Well done Preet on such an outstanding effort in being selected to represent Australia in such a prestigious competition. Well done also on your final ranking and overall outstanding effort!

Preet was featured on the front page of the Whitehorse Leader in the Monday July 8th edition.

If interested you can read more about this annual competition at: https://schools.aglasem.com/70850

Upgrade for VSC

In a fantastic development for Vermont Secondary College The Hon James Merlino MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Minister for Emergency Services announced a $4,873,000 upgrade for VSC via a media release on Thursday 10 May 2018.

To view the full media release please click this link:

The Department of Education and Training (DET) also have a web site re: the project for Vermont Secondary College. Go to:

The section of our college to be replaced through the permanent modular school buildings project is known as the ‘C block’ and this is the entire top half of our existing ‘C Wing’. Completion date is mid-2019.
The building company behind the project is BHA Project Management and they can be found at: https://www.bhapm.com.au/.

We look forward to working closely with the relevant agencies on the completion of this exciting project and thank the Andrews Labor Government and the Department of Education and Training for the investment in our ever expanding college.