2023 Production

We are excited to announce that the 2023 VSC Production is ‘Chicago: Teen Edition’.

The cast and band are already rehearsing twice a week and the backstage teams are working hard to create the props, set and costumes for the show!

The show will be on from the 11th-19th August in the VSC Theatre – tickets will be on sale at the end of Term 2!

Congratulations Year 12 2022!

You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

Congratulations to our amazing Class of 2022.

23.4% of students with an ATAR over 90

46.24% f students with an ATAR over 80.

Dux 99.45  – Juen Foh

The Drowsy Chaperone – 2022 Lyrebird Awards

The Vermont Secondary College Production community are quite excited to announce that some of our students have been recognised for their performances in this year’s Lyrebird Youth Award Nominations. The Lyrebird Youth Awards celebrate excellence in youth productions (plays and musicals) across Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. 

Our school production has been nominated for 4 awards. The nominees are:

  • Ben Hamilton – Best performer in a lead male role
  • Natasha Ho – Highly commended performer
  • Sue Anne Jian and Amelia Truong – Best acting partnership
  • Full Cast – Best ensemble 

The production team would like to congratulate all nominated students on their incredible performances and extend our commendation to all students involved in the show, as a production does not allow any single performer to excel without the hard work and dedication of the whole cast/crew/band. 


EMR Track & Field event was held on Monday the 10th of October at Knox Athletics Track. It was an absolutely beautiful day for athletics with the sun shining and the wind at a minimum. Vermont had a strong team of 58 athletes who competed in several events across the day.

Team Vermont performed incredibly well across the entirety of the event and as a result won the EMR Track & Field Pennant with a total score of 461 points. This total was a sum of the 1st placed female team score of 285 points and 3rd place male team score of 176 points.

To win an EMR Track & Field Championship as a school is an outstanding achievement and a testament to the hard work and commitment from the students involving themselves in training sessions and participating in extra events such as All Schools. Congratulations to all, and a special thank you to David Clements for his time and effort with the relay teams.

New Physical Education and Sports Centre 2022

The College is looking forward to the commencement of the construction process of our new gym in 2022. The design process has been completed and the project is currently being tendered.

The new building will include two competition size basketball courts, two classrooms, a weight room a staffroom, change rooms and retractable seating for large assemblies. The new gym will be located between the outside basketball courts and the existing gym and theatre.

The first steps will include the construction of a temporary access road and the removal of all buildings currently located on the construction site. We anticipate classes using the new gym at the beginning of 2023.

German Success!

For Term 3 & 4 2021, Frau Ankenbrand’s class has been working on creating new and innovative products as a part of the Unternehmen Deutsch Goethe Institute competition.  More than 300 students from 18 schools participated in the popular Australia-wide ideas competition Enterprise German.  Three groups from Vermont Secondary College entered the competition and collaborated with their chosen German company in Australia.

There were three stages of the competition,

  • Module 1: Getting to know the domestic economy and finding a partner company. The students researched their chosen companies and began to form product ideas
  • Module 2: Each group contacted their chosen companies and got advice on product advertisement and development
  • Module 3: Students finalised their product details and created a poster and video advertisement in German.

Throughout these stages, students had the opportunity to develop their writing, reading and speaking skills in German, as well as getting insight on how businesses create and advertise successful products.

Of the 97 innovative ideas, the product designed by Year 10 students, Edric C, Summer S, Abbey S, and Jack W made it to the top 2 inventions.  It was then up to public vote to decide who won the competition.  

A big thank you to all involved, especially to the students of Vermont Secondary College who cast their vote online for the ‘BOSCH – Spülmaschine der Zukunft’.  We would like to thank Fiona Thornton from BOSCH who helped the winning group develop their product, and the Goethe Institute for running the competition and sponsoring the prizes.


Year 10 German Class

Production Nominations

Vermont's production Dirty Rotten Scoundrels has been nominated for 5 Lyrebird Youth Awards. This involves a number of judges coming to see school shows across the state, and then voting for 'the best' of in particular categories.

Best Sound Design in a Youth Musical - Mitch Tabe
Outstanding Technical Design in a Youth Musical - Vermont Secondary College
Outstanding Stage Crew - Vermont Secondary College
Best Actor in a Youth Musical - Lachlan Rae
Best Actor in a Youth Musical - Spencer Macleod Finke

Congratulations on this outstanding achievement to everyone involved in the production and all the very best of luck to our nominees. The awards ceremony is on Sunday, December the 8th


Congratulations to the winner of the “Sarah Bussu Award” Tamara Barton with her VCE Studio Artwork “Confronting Perfectionism” which was developed from her folio theme “Perfectionism in the media vs reality”. The artwork “encompasses the idea that the more a person tries to force themselves into fitting the ideals of beauty, it increasingly damages their identity.

Congratulations to Emmalee Eastwood of 7M1, Winner of the “Inaugural People’s Choice Award” with her exceptional self-portrait.


Last Wednesday our Symphonic Band travelled into The Hawthorn Town Hall to perform 2 pieces for an audience of other competing schools and adjudicators, as part of the Victorian Festival of Bands. Our students played wonderfully and did the college proud with beautiful and measured renditions of HEAVENS LIGHT by Steven Reineke and Australian composer Brian Hoggs ACCELCIUS.  Students were given some wonderful feedback on their music approach to the pieces and were awarded gold for their performance.  We’d like to thank Mr. Tony Jacobs for driving the bus on the day and to Mr. Jeremy Shannon for his work with the Symphonic Band throughout the year so far.  Well done students!!

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